10-bit gray scale display?

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10-bit gray scale display?

Akira Yamamoto
Hello list-members,

I have a question.
I would like to view 16-bit gray scale DICOM images on a Windows PC
display. My laptop can show only 8-bit gray. So I would like to buy a
10-bit or 12-bit gray scale display system. I found some on web like
matrox or realvison. Their spec seets say they can handle 10-bit or
12-bit gray data.
However, I heared a story from my friend. Windows-OS can NOT handle more
than 8-bit gray scale data. So, as far as I use Windows-OS, I can not
display more than 8-bit gray scale data. Windows-OS can only display
8-bit gray scale.
Is this true?

Thanks a lot.

Akira Yamamoto, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Radiology
Kyoto City Hospital
1-2 Higashitakada-cho, Mibu, Nakagyo-ku
Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, JAPAN 6048845
Tel: +81-75-311-5311(ex.2185)
Fax: +81-75-321-6025
Skype: yakira6454
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