16 bit grayScale Image Composed of Very small Roi Rectangles

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16 bit grayScale Image Composed of Very small Roi Rectangles

Mahsa Naseri
Hi ,

I would like to create an image which is composed of rectangles  connected to one another , each having a gray color.
The image is a 16 bit gray scale image which I create by creating a short processor.

The rectangles are of double sizes, and some are very small. ( their length is less than 1)

A couple of questions:

1-      I generate an integer  value between 0-65536 for the gray color, I create a Roi and set the Roi's color to the integer value. This does not seem to give me the right color.

2-      For the rectangles which length is less than 1 , I assume no rectangles are created as each pixel makes a length 1. So I scale the rectangles so that the minium length is > 1.
is there a better approach for doing this ?

Thanks for your help in advance.


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