I have the feeling that some of my plugins work faster on 16-bits image
than on 8-bits images, I should stay 4 times faster. The only difference
is in the access to the pixels :
if (getType() == SHORT) {
return ((short[]) processor.getPixels())[x + y * sizex] & 0xffff;
} else {
return ((byte[]) processor.getPixels())[x + y * sizex] & 0xff;
Has anyone encounter the same behavior ? I have java 1.5.0_13 on linux
Thomas Boudier, MCU Université Paris 6,
UMR 7101 / IFR 83. Bat A 328, Jussieu.
Tel : 01 44 27 35 78 Fax : 01 44 27 25 08