2 band Threshold Adjustment

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2 band Threshold Adjustment

Is there some plugin that allows for a two band or band-stop threshold adjustment? I black and white pictures and I want to have two ends of the spectrum (let's say 0 to 36 and 220 to 255 just as an example) instead of just one.

Thanks ahead of time
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Re: 2 band Threshold Adjustment

Nathaniel Ryckman
If you don't want to do any programming, your best bet might be the versatile wand:


Here is a list of imageJ plugins:

Here is a list of Fiji plugins:

If you can't find anything in either of those 2 lists, the plugin you are looking for probably doesn't exist.

Kurt_P wrote
Is there some plugin that allows for a two band or band-stop threshold adjustment? I black and white pictures and I want to have two ends of the spectrum (let's say 0 to 36 and 220 to 255 just as an example) instead of just one.

Thanks ahead of time