2D alignment and fusion

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2D alignment and fusion

naoki irie
I'm having a problem with aligning multiple images.

I have 9 fluorescent images which is taken from one tissue sample (immunostaining).
They have little of bit of overlapping each other.
Using this overlapped region, I want to align them and fuse them to make
one big image (like completing jigsaw puzzles).

If anyone who knows the plugin that solve this problem automatically,
please help me.
Thank you

Naoki Irie
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Re: 2D alignment and fusion

Filip Rooms
> I have 9 fluorescent images which is taken from one tissue sample (immunostaining).
> They have little of bit of overlapping each other.
> Using this overlapped region, I want to align them and fuse them to make
> one big image (like completing jigsaw puzzles).

This problem is called image registration. There is the "Turboreg"
plugin, but that shows only the alligned overlap area. Also, in the
Biomedical Imaging in Java set of ImageJ plugins
(http://bij.isi.uu.nl/) contains such plugins... However, I didn't
really test this kind of functionality of stitching images together

Kind regards,

Filip Rooms