Hi everyone!
I'm trying to implement 3d-reconstructions of neurons. I was thinking to
do so by using free software (Neuron_morpho plugin for image j and
L_measure and Cvapp java programs). Cvapp (downloadable from
http://www.compneuro.org) is a program aimed at visualizing
I'm not able to download this program and make it run on my computer
(I'm using WindowsXP and latest java).
Has anyone recently downloaded this program?, anyone knows how to make
it run?
Any idea other idea or possible solutions?
Thank you very much in advance.
Joaquim Soriano Felipe. PhD student.
Dpt. of Medical sciences, School of Medicine-CRIB, University of
Castilla-la Mancha
C/ Almansa, 14, 02006 Albacete (Spain).
Tel. +0034-967599200 Ext.2934
Fax. +0034-967599327
[hidden email]