3D: Conversion into vrml files

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3D: Conversion into vrml files

Nicolas, Y. (Yves)
I'd like to print rendering pictures obtained with ImageJ plugins in 3D , however the 3D printers normally use .vrml files (Virtual Reality Modelling Language), I wonder if someone would have a converter from Tiff file to vrml file.
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Re: 3D: Conversion into vrml files


On Thu, 3 Aug 2006, Nicolas, Y. (Yves) wrote:

> I'd like to print rendering pictures obtained with ImageJ plugins in 3D
> , however the 3D printers normally use .vrml files (Virtual Reality
> Modelling Language), I wonder if someone would have a converter from
> Tiff file to vrml file.

I think this problem is ill-posed: Tiff has raster data, i.e. volume data
sampled on a regular grid, whereas VRML handles vector data, i.e.
_surface_ with at least float precision.

If you want to extract an isosurface from a Tiff, and have that as a
VRML: that would be possible (I have the building blocks for such a
plugin, but no working plugin).

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a better way to generate background image from original image

Michael Ji
Hi there,

Since I am working on camera photo taking from real
field, it makes me more difficult to extract objects
from image accurately.

I tend to use substract function to get rid of
background image from original one, which I guess will
help me to extract object more efficiently.

I following the "test stack" sample in the following


to create background image, which essentially using
copy/paste a small piece of background to cover the
target object in image.

I wonder if there is other better way to generate
background image automatically.

thanks your time,


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