Dear Wayne Rasband,
Thank you for this documentation. It has and would be(en) useful.
Another question about the "unsharp mask filter" now. The source code
indicates that the mathematic operation is :
pixels[p] = (snapshotPixels[p] - weight*pixels[p])/(1f - weight);
Why 1f ? is it in hexadecimal ?
For me, the operation of an unsharp mask filter is : pixels[p] =
(snapshotPixels[p] - weight*pixels[p])/(1 - weight) but maybe i am wrong or
i have missed something.
I am trying to do the unsharp mask"manually" (for explanation during
teaching and courses) but i do not manage to get the same result as the
Could you help me ?
Always thanks in advance
Anne Béghin,
Centre Commun de Quantimétrie, Faculté de médecine Rockefeller
Université de Lyon
8 avenue Rockefeller
LYON 69008 (France)
2009/9/26 Wayne Rasband <
[hidden email]>