hi all,
i am trying to write a macro in which i need to identify a specific
coordinate of a thresholded masked image.
for that i wanted to use the 3D manager and list voxel command.
the problem is that when the macro gets to the initialising command run("3D
Manager"); it doesn't continue the macro, it just gets stuck.
here is the piece of code for that part.
i am running the most updated version of FIJI (1.50a).
setThreshold(thickness_threshold_min, thickness_threshold_max);
setOption("BlackBackground", false);
run("Convert to Mask", "method=Default background=Dark")
// find the 3D object coordiantes
run("3D Manager");
waitForUser("did we get here?");
also i need to get the minY parameter from the list,
I was thinking of creating an array and extracting from there but i couldn't
find the command to get the data from the list generated by the 3D manager.
any ideas?
thanks alot!