Dear Tim,
I´ve been working on nuclei segmentation for a long time, we have
developed a software specialized for nucleus analysis TANGO : may also recommend you to have a look to Farsight : work from IJPB : this helps
On 07/05/15 04:28, Feinstein, Timothy N wrote:
> Hello,
> We are trying to count nuclei from confocal XYZ stacks of intact tissue. This apparently requires a watershed or similar algorithm to separate nuclei that are close to one another. Ideally it should finish with an annotated image mask to check segmentation quality along with a table of ROI statistics. I understand that many methods have been implemented in both ImageJ/Fiji and in Vaa3d, but so far we have not found one that works in our hands and provides the desired mask.
> If anyone is automatically measuring 3D nuclei in your own work, I would be grateful to hear about your preferred workflow either on or off list.
> Many thanks,
> Tim
> Timothy Feinstein, Ph.D.
> University of Pittsburgh Department of Developmental Biology
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