You can use the 3DManager tool, do the segmentation as usual, then draw
you area, and then "add image", only objects inside the roi will be
imported into the manager, you can then perform measurements as usual on
that list. hope this helps.
> Hi all,
> I'm using the 3D objects counter plugin within a macro but i'd like it
to only threshold and measure objects within a defined region of
interest as i'd like to narrow down the number of measured objects and
i'm only interested in a couple of spots in the image. If i place a
selection on the image though it still auto thresholds and measures the
entire image and ignores the selection. I can deal with the threshold
but it would be useful if there was a way for it to only measure the
objects found in the ROI?
> One option would be to duplicate only the area of the image covered by
the selection then run 3D object counter but i'd like to avoid the
> complications of lots of duplicate windows.
> Thanks for the help,
> Matt
> --
> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
> --
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Thomas Boudier, Associate Prof. UPMC,
IPAL UMI 2955, Singapore.
Thomas Boudier, Associate Prof. UPMC,
IPAL UMI 2955, Singapore.
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