2010/10/23 Steve Huntley <
[hidden email]>:
> I'm using the 3D viewer plugin to render stacks of color photo images as 3D
> objects. It works very well, except the end result displays significant
> banding effects of some sort, which mar the surface of the constructed 3D
> image.
> When I do z-projections of the same stacks without using the plugin, I don't
> see the same type of banding, so it seems that it's a by-product of the 3d
> rendering process, rather than due to inherent properties of the images.
> Is there something that can be done via the Java3D API to minimize these
> banding effects? Some sort of dithering or lighting tricks?
> I'm willing to hack the code to add steps to the processing, but I'm new to
> 3D programming, so if I could get some hints as to how to go about it, or if
> it's even possible, it would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Steve H.
Set a resampling value that brings the X,Y resolution in par with the
Z resolution. Then the banding disappears.
I don't know of any dithering effects to make it disappear.