3D plugin surface banding effects

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3D plugin surface banding effects

Steve Huntley
I'm using the 3D viewer plugin to render stacks of color photo images as
3D objects.  It works very well, except the end result displays
significant banding effects of some sort, which mar the surface of the
constructed 3D image.

When I do z-projections of the same stacks without using the plugin, I
don't see the same type of banding, so it seems that it's a by-product
of the 3d rendering process, rather than due to inherent properties of
the images.

Is there something that can be done via the Java3D API to minimize these
banding effects?  Some sort of dithering or lighting tricks?

I'm willing to hack the code to add steps to the processing, but I'm new
to 3D programming, so if I could get some hints as to how to go about
it, or if it's even possible, it would be appreciated.

Steve H.
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Re: 3D plugin surface banding effects

Albert Cardona-2
2010/10/23 Steve Huntley <[hidden email]>:

> I'm using the 3D viewer plugin to render stacks of color photo images as 3D
> objects.  It works very well, except the end result displays significant
> banding effects of some sort, which mar the surface of the constructed 3D
> image.
> When I do z-projections of the same stacks without using the plugin, I don't
> see the same type of banding, so it seems that it's a by-product of the 3d
> rendering process, rather than due to inherent properties of the images.
> Is there something that can be done via the Java3D API to minimize these
> banding effects?  Some sort of dithering or lighting tricks?
> I'm willing to hack the code to add steps to the processing, but I'm new to
> 3D programming, so if I could get some hints as to how to go about it, or if
> it's even possible, it would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Steve H.


Set a resampling value that brings the X,Y resolution in par with the
Z resolution. Then the banding disappears.

I don't know of any dithering effects to make it disappear.

