3D viewer all black

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3D viewer all black

Dear everybody!

I'm new and have tried several tutorials for 2 weeks now but didn't have too much success yet. I would be very grateful for your time answering a probably very simple question.

I installed Fiji with TrackEM
used TrackEM to import and allign images (manually)
made right click in canvas to save project
went to 3D viewer

finally I was able to open my alignment and I can see the stack very darkly, but everything is almost black;
playing around with transparency, etc. didn't work....

What did I do wrong and how can i really see the stack?

Thank you for your help.

A. Braun
Hannover Medical School
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Re: 3D viewer all black

I had a similar problem with importing olympus .oib stacks, everything was almost black

Did you try to adjust brightness settings? This fixed it for me:
Go to Image -> Adjust -> Brightness/contrast -> play around with the parameters

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Re: 3D viewer all black


yes, that was actuelly one of the first things that I did, but nothing helped. Now I ended up exporting some cropped TIFFs and making the 3D reconstitution on Imaris. This worked fine, but for some reason the quality of the TIFFs gets worse once they have been in the Layer Set Stack of Fiji for cropping.
I'm not sure whether the reason is some problem between Fiji and Java3d...
Well, the project is finished, so good riddance...


A. Braun
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Re: 3D viewer all black

Ups, I meant to say the reason for the black window might be the connection problem.