8-bit vs 16-bit ip.set() and ip.get() speed

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8-bit vs 16-bit ip.set() and ip.get() speed

Michael Doube
Dear all

I've rewritten an old plugin that finds the principal axes of a stack
and creates an aligned copy of the stack, so that it can handle more
than just 16-bit images.

To do that, I use

targetIP.set(x, y, sourceStack.getProcessor(zA).get(xA,yA));

But this seems to be much slower on 8-bit images than 16-bit images.
For a test 256 x 256 x 256 stack, the 16-bit image processes in 6
seconds, while the 8-bit image takes close to 2.5 minutes.

Is there a neat trick I can use to make my 8-bit images process as fast
as my 16-bit images?  The code is at:


in alignToPrincipalAxes()


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Re: 8-bit vs 16-bit ip.set() and ip.get() speed

Albert Cardona-2

This chunk:


... will result in the creation of a new processor for every call.
It's a very expensive method. See:


You could go around by caching the processor in a variable for every zA.

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Re: 8-bit vs 16-bit ip.set() and ip.get() speed

Michael Doube

Thanks for the excellent suggestion.  By caching as you suggest, 8-bit
processing is now much faster...

ImageProcessor[] sliceProcessors = new ImageProcessor[d + 1];
for (int z = 1; z <= d; z++) {
        sliceProcessors[z] = sourceStack.getProcessor(z);

then in the inner loop...

targetIP.set(x, y, sliceProcessors[zA].get(xA, yA));


Albert Cardona wrote:

> Michael,
> This chunk:
> sourceStack.getProcessor(zA)
> ... will result in the creation of a new processor for every call.
> It's a very expensive method. See:
> http://repo.or.cz/w/imageja.git/blob/d8c301fa7f114b5566c212a8211cbbfcdf4a6083:/ij/ImageStack.java#l232
> You could go around by caching the processor in a variable for every zA.
> Albert