Dear users,
I have recently been writing a macro for ImageJ in BeanShell, an I was
wondering if there is any decent IDE for the ImageJ library. I wouldn't mind
changing to Javascript or to Groovy as far as I could get a list of the
available functions and the required inputs in the functions as it happens
in Rstudio or PyCharm. I think that functionality will clearly boost the
ability of anyone to write a macro. In essence, when someone releases a new
plug-in, it works like a new package for R or Python. The documentation of
many of these packages are available in but I don't know how to
make it dynamically accessible from the IDE.
I have tried to use ImageJ as a library in IntelliJ but fail miserably as it
is not designed for scripting languages such as Groovy, Javascript or
Beanshell. I will really appreciate any help.
Kind regards,
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