Hi everyone,
I would like to share my first macro with the community. It analyses folders of phase-contrast microscope images of cellular spheroids and returns spheroid area, min and max Ferret diameter and a few other features. It uses a number of filters trying to clean up the image from scratches in the plate, bubbles and the odd fiber. The macro also records a quality control image with the overlay of the spheroid(s) it has recognized and sized in the output folder. Researchers interested in three-dimensional cell culture and especially hanging-drops or overlay spheroid cultures can take series of images of their spheroids and the macro will automate the process of sizing the little balls :) It is my first attempt at writing a macro and although it works fairly well for me it may need some tweaking to work with microscope setups different from the one I have. I would be happy to get your feedback on how to improve the macro, make it work with a larger set of setups and clean up the code :) Also if you try it and it works for you be sure to let me know! A link to a small set of my images: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B96oLbDIM__uNFBkVnhNWVNOc2s/edit?usp=sharing This is the link to the code: http://www.plosone.org/article/fetchSingleRepresentation.action?uri=info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0103817.s007 Here is a link to the PLOS One paper where the macro is published, discussed and shared as supplementary info: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0103817 And here you can see a video showing how the macro works on my sets of images: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PvFVXHx658 This is the code if the links malfunction at some point: //This macro aims to automate spheroid size measurement in three-dimensional cell culture. It requires input and output folders with images only, processes the images, records a file with spheroid measurements (Area, Ferret max, Ferret min, etc.) and writes an image with the outline/s of the determined spheroid/s. //The spheroid detection and size determination function to be repeated for every image is defined below function action(inputFolder,outputFolder,filename) { open(inputFolder + filename); //sets scale to predetermined values from calibration slide run("Set Scale...", "distance=178 known=100 pixel=1 unit=µm global"); run("16-bit"); //run("Brightness/Contrast..."); run("Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35"); //Uses Yen thresholding algorythm setAutoThreshold("Yen"); setOption("BlackBackground", false); run("Convert to Mask"); //Gets the ratio between black (spheroid) and white (background) pixels. If we assume a single spheroid, the ratio between black and white pixels would allow us to estimate the size of the spheroid. getHistogram(0,hist,256); ratio = hist[255]/hist[0]; //If there are more pixels detected as spheroid(black) than background(white) then the spheroid has not been detected due to variations in background if (ratio>1) { // closes the image, reopens it, subtracts the background and proceeds as normal close(); open(inputFolder + filename); run("16-bit"); // Subtract Background is not used in the default function because it can lead to merging of spheroids and debris or it can remove the core of the spheroid leaving a very thin interrupted edge. In certain cases where the edges of a spheroid are very bright removing the background can give better results. run("Subtract Background...", "rolling=50 light"); setAutoThreshold("Yen"); setOption("BlackBackground", false); run("Convert to Mask"); run("Remove Outliers...", "radius=15 threshold=0 which=Dark"); getHistogram(0,hist,256); ratio = hist[255]/hist[0];}; //The strategy here is to act differently according to spheroid size. The general pattern is to expand and then shrink back the spheroids in order to include all cells on the edges. Then a series of functions are used to remove noise and the Watershed function separates fused or superimposed particles. The Analyze particles function is targeted to the specific spheroid size according to the black/white pixel ratio. if (ratio<0.001) { run("Maximum...", "radius=8"); run("Fill Holes"); run("Minimum...", "radius=8"); //small spheroids require a more "gentle" function to clean up noise run("Median...", "radius=2"); run("Maximum...", "radius=25"); run("Minimum...", "radius=25"); run("Fill Holes"); run("Watershed"); run("Analyze Particles...", "size=4000-Infinity circularity=0.20-1.00 show=[Overlay Outlines] display exclude include summarize");}; if (ratio >=0.001 && ratio<0.01) { run("Maximum...", "radius=8"); run("Fill Holes"); run("Minimum...", "radius=8"); //slightly bigger spheroids and a more rigorous function to remove noise run("Remove Outliers...", "radius=10 threshold=0 which=Dark"); run("Watershed"); run("Analyze Particles...", "size=10000-Infinity circularity=0.20-1.00 show=[Overlay Outlines] display exclude include summarize");}; if (ratio>=0.01 && ratio<0.2) { run("Maximum...", "radius=8"); run("Fill Holes"); run("Minimum...", "radius=8"); run("Remove Outliers...", "radius=15 threshold=0 which=Dark"); run("Median...", "radius=4"); run("Watershed"); run("Analyze Particles...", "size=20000-Infinity circularity=0.20-1.00 show=[Overlay Outlines] display exclude include summarize");}; if (ratio>=0.2 && ratio<1) { //Very big spheroids generally do not need to be expanded much to fill up the edges. run("Maximum...", "radius=3"); run("Fill Holes"); run("Minimum...", "radius=3"); //Outliers and noise are removed rigorously run("Remove Outliers...", "radius=50 threshold=0 which=Dark"); run("Minimum...", "radius=30"); run("Maximum...", "radius=30"); run("Watershed"); run("Analyze Particles...", "size=50000-Infinity circularity=0.20-1.00 show=[Overlay Outlines] display exclude include summarize");}; if (Overlay.size > 0) { //Sends particles detected to the ROI manager run("To ROI Manager"); close(); //Reopens the original image and pastes the outlines of the determined particles onto it open(inputFolder + filename); run("From ROI Manager"); outputPath = outputFolder + filename; save(outputPath); close(); } else { close(); }; call("java.lang.System.gc"); }; call("java.lang.System.gc"); run("Clear Results"); inputFolder = getDirectory("Choose the input folder!"); outputFolder = getDirectory("Choose the output folder!"); //Delete the next line if you want to see how the macro works on the images. However that will reduce processing speed. setBatchMode(true); images = getFileList(inputFolder); //Sets the measurements that are recorded for each spheroid run("Set Measurements...", "area centroid shape feret's display add redirect=None decimal=1"); //That is the cycle that runs through all images for (i=0; i<images.length; i++) { action(inputFolder,outputFolder,images[i]); showProgress(i, images.length); }; //Writes in the Results and Summary windows and saves the data. selectWindow("Results"); saveAs("Measurements", "" + outputFolder + "Results.txt"); selectWindow("Summary"); saveAs("Text", "" + outputFolder +"Summary.txt"); setBatchMode(false); -- ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html |
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