AMIRA ascii format

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AMIRA ascii format

Mayuresh Korgaonkar-2
Hello List,
  I am trying to convert a binary Analyze format image to the AMIRA ascii format. Is there a way I can do this using Image J? I came across a plugin which writes the AMIRA mesh format, but I am not sure if it can write the ascii format.
  Any tips will be helpful,
  thanks in advance,

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Re: AMIRA ascii format


On Mon, 27 Aug 2007, Mayuresh Korgaonkar wrote:

>   I am trying to convert a binary Analyze format image to the AMIRA
> ascii format. Is there a way I can do this using Image J? I came across
> a plugin which writes the AMIRA mesh format, but I am not sure if it can
> write the ascii format.

I do not understand. AFAIK there is only one type of Amira format.  It
starts with a textual header, possibly followed by binary data.  And as
with all proprietary formats: there is no guarantee that _any_ Open Source
program will write it in a way that the commercial program will

FWIW the plugins referenced on ImageJ's plugins should work (there are two
different sets of Amira Reader/Writers).

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Re: AMIRA ascii format

Matt Crema
The easiest way to do is probably with some scripting language of your
choice where you need to write the "Data" section of the AmiraMesh file
in ASCII as described here:

Personally, I'd save the data from ImageJ as a TIFF and then import it
into MATLAB and write the AmiraMesh file from there.  But then I don't
know JAVA or scripting in ImageJ.

Another way is with libamiramesh:

which is a C++ library that allows you to write AmiraMesh files.  Using
compiled code may be more trouble than it is worth for this small task.
