About segmentation, delineation and plugin installation

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About segmentation, delineation and plugin installation

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Dear all,

I am very excited about this new programme I just came across. I am by no means expert in computing or ImageJ, so I was wondering if someone would have instructions or could simplyfy what to do next:

1) About the methodology

I have a stact of knee MRI images (so 3D?). First, I would like to delineate the leg from the black surrounding, and I would like to adjust the region of interest (ROI) manually to cover only a small area.
Then, using fuzzy c-means segmentation technique, segment the following components: fat, muscle, bone and skin. Why c-means? Because it can be referred rather easily. Then, I would like to canculate the volumes of those components in a the stack.

2) About the plugin installation

So, I downloaded the toolkit-plugin. I think I managed, even though I could not find the folder named ImageJ Properties within Utilities folder - so I uncompressed the toolkit to Utilities folder. Anyway, I can see the Segmentation label under the plugin option. However, when I  click the Segmentation Editor, a popup appears saying "Exception".

Any help or instruction are highly appreciated. Thanks ImageJ-rs!