Accessing the image window while GenericDialog shows

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Accessing the image window while GenericDialog shows

Guy Levy
While an instance of GenericDialog is showing, I cannot access the image window with the mouse (move, zoom...) .
It seems to be locked until I click OK or Cancel in the dialog.
Is there a method to unlock it while the GenericDialog is still showing?
Guy Levy
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Re: Accessing the image window while GenericDialog shows

Gabriel Landini
On Friday 22 September 2006 08:55, Guy Levy wrote:
> While an instance of GenericDialog is showing, I cannot access the image
> window with the mouse (move, zoom...) . It seems to be locked until I click
> OK or Cancel in the dialog.
> Is there a method to unlock it while the GenericDialog is still showing?

I don't think so because it is a modal dialog (it does not release the focus
until closed). The plugin stops and the dialog waits for you to make the
choices. This is very handy because in IJ the input can be recorded in a

If you need to access the image and have a dialog at the same time, then
you'll probably have to write the plugin in a different way (i.e. as a
non-modal dialog using a separate thread, like the Threshold_Colour, the
Align_4 plugins).

