On Sat, March 21, 2015 12:36, Matt Pearson wrote:
> I'm not able to add selections to the ROI Manager using t on the keyboard,
> nothing is added. Does anyone know why this might be?
> I'm running up to date fiji and imageJ 1.49p daily build on Mac OS X
> 10.8.5.
Hi Matt,
Do other commands work without the CMD-key? If not, look at
Edit>Options>Misc, whether 'require command key' is checked. Then you need
to type CMD-t.
You may also look at Plugins>Shortcuts>List shortcuts; maybe a macro or
something else has superseded the shortcut.
If it is a shortcut issue, Edit>Selection>Add to Manager should work.
Sometimes my version of ImageJ (Mac OS 10.6.8, java 1.6) temporarily
forgets that it should not need the command key. In that case, selecting
the hand tool (pan, scrolling tool) can help.
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