why so complicated? If you are able to threshold the images such that your
object of interest is highlighted, then simply run the Particle Analyzer
(Analyze->Analyze Particles...); there, you can add the found particles to
the ROI manager and get automatically get the area as result...
On Mi, 17.03.2010, 16:44, Matt TLAB wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to automate area measurements of two separated items in a
> file.
> By hand I can add each item to the ROI manager and calculate the area of
> each from there. I have thresholded the images so that the two items are
> white against a black background. Is there a way for ImageJ to add items
> to
> the ROI manager through color selection? I suppose I could crop the
> images
> enough so that the items are always in about the same place. That way the
> pixel placement of the magic wand selection would be in the same place for
> each image (I'm trying to automate by writing a macro that I can use as a
> batch processor). Are there any ways to add items to the ROI manager
> without actually using the magic wand to click on them? Maybe by color?
> Or
> minimum size?
> Thanks,
> Matt
> --
> View this message in context:
http://n2.nabble.com/Adding-to-ROI-Manager-by-Color-tp4751037p4751037.html> Sent from the ImageJ mailing list archive at Nabble.com.