Align channels in Hyperstacks ?

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Align channels in Hyperstacks ?

Dear all,

I'm a happy user of Gabriel Landini's "Align RGB planes" for correcting
lateral shift between channels of fluorescent images (due to non alignment
of filter cubes). However I'm  now routinely using 4 channels and using
Hyperstacks to visualize data, so I'm looking for a more refined and
up-to-date way to align channels.

Do you know a plugin that could
- Manually shift individual channel planes in an hyperstack, with the option
to propagate the shift to all planes from the same channel in the hyperstack
- Optionnally propose an automatic starting point for the shift based on a
pure translation registration algorithm ? It would be usefull sometimes, but
most of the times channels are so different (think nuclei / endosomes in a
group of cultured cells) that manual registration would be the default.

Thanks for your help,
