Anaglyph Macro Speedup

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Anaglyph Macro Speedup

Jon Harman-3

After writing this macro I found the nice plugin by Ronald Petie that
does it much faster.

But I would like to know: Is there any way to speed up this sort of
macro: one that does pixel by pixel operations on two images and then
writes the result to a third image.  I have tried to speed it up, but it
is very slow on a large image.


Here is my macro code:

//This macro can convert two images to an anaglyph for stereo viewing.

Dialog.create("Make Anaglyph from stereo pairs");
Dialog.addMessage("Choose the left then the right image");
atype = newArray("Gray","Color");
Dialog.addChoice("Anaglyph Type",atype,"Gray");;
ans = Dialog.getChoice();

gray = 1;
if(ans == "Color") gray = 0;
id0 = getImageID();
id1 = getImageID();
width = getWidth();
height = getHeight();

line0 = newArray(width);
line1 = newArray(width);
line2 = newArray(width);

newImage("Anaglyph", "RGB", width, height, 1);
id2 = getImageID();

for (h=0;h<height;h++) {
        for(w=0;w<width;w++) line0[w] = getPixel(w,h);
        for(w=0;w<width;w++) line1[w] = getPixel(w,h);
        for(w=0;w<width;w++) {
                p = line0[w];
                r = (p >> 16) & 0xff;
                g = (p >> 8) & 0xff;
                b = p & 0xff;
                p = line1[w];
                r1 = (p >> 16) & 0xff;
                g1 = (p >> 8) & 0xff;
                b1 = p & 0xff;
                if(gray == 0)  {
                        line2[w] = (r << 16) + (g1 << 8) + b1;
                else {
                        y = floor(r * 0.3 + g * 0.586 + b * 0.114);
                        y1 = floor(r1 * 0.3 + g1 * 0.586 + b1 * 0.114);
                        line2[w] = (y << 16) + (y1 << 8) + y1;
        for(w=0;w<width; w++) setPixel(w,h,line2[w]);

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Re: Anaglyph Macro Speedup

Albert Cardona
Hi Jon,

> After writing this macro I found the nice plugin by Ronald Petie that
> does it much faster.
> But I would like to know: Is there any way to speed up this sort of
> macro: one that does pixel by pixel operations on two images and then
> writes the result to a third image.  I have tried to speed it up, but
> it is very slow on a large image.

The macro language uses strings as internal data representation, so no,
you can't speed up pixel by pixel operations.

I would use the macro language for very high level sequences of comands
only, such as open an image, run a plugin on it, save the result and
close it. Everything else is iddle play; a java plugin will work orders
of magnitude faster.


Albert Cardona
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Re: Anaglyph Macro Speedup

Gabriel Landini
On Monday 05 May 2008 23:32:25 Albert Cardona wrote:
> > But I would like to know: Is there any way to speed up this sort of
> > macro: one that does pixel by pixel operations on two images and then
> > writes the result to a third image.  I have tried to speed it up, but
> > it is very slow on a large image.
> The macro language uses strings as internal data representation, so no,
> you can't speed up pixel by pixel operations.

Ah,  but you could split the image in RGB planes and operate on those instead
of going pixel by pixel.
You have 2 images with r0, g0, b0 and r1, g1, b1. Your macro (if I am not
mistaken, I have not run it) creates a new image which is  r0,g1,b1.

I would split both images into  R, G, B planes and then merge R0, G1, B1
planes into a new RGB image. This is done by 2 plugin commands
"Image>Color>RGB Split" and "RGB Merge" which called from a macro would be way

