Analysing bioluminescent images

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Analysing bioluminescent images


Does anybody use ImageJ to analyse in vivo bioluminescence images?
At the moment I use the software provided with the equipment, The Living Image 4.4. However, I would like to use ImageJ, among other reasons, because we don't have many licenses and the software is limited to one computer at work, and I want to use a different LUT.
The raw data are 3 TIF images:
1. luminescent
2. photograph
3. readbiasonly

At the moment, my workflow is something like this:
1. Open photographic image,
2. Adjust contract/brightness
3. Change LUT to gray
4. Change image type to RGB
5. Open luminescent image
6. Change LUT to FIRE
7. Image, stacks, Images to stack, method: scale (largest), keep source images yes,
8. Image, stacks, z project
9. Select projection type: sum slices

It doesn't look like the nice overlay I get in the Living Image software. And I haven't subtracted the background. Does anybody uses ImageJ for this? Or should I just drop it and keep using the proprietary software?
