Hi Oli,
it seems that "updateResults" is the culprit. As I understand it, the ParticleAnalyzer always uses the ResultsTable, but usually leaves it hidden unless the user requests it to be displayed. A similar problem with the 'summarize' function of the ParticleAnalyzer was on the list recently. This is probably a historical issue, dating back to the days when ImageJ was a small Java Applet, not the full-fledged image processing program and computing environment that it is today.
In principle, I think that this could be changed by the ParticleAnalyzer having its own private ResultsTable, not the standard one, if it is not supposed to show it. This would be definitely nice if the user needs the ResultsTable for something else in the meanwhile. I had a look at it, but it is not so obvious to me whether changing this could break other functions. Maybe there is someone else out there who is more familiar with the ParticleAnalyzer...
On Feb 6, 2015, at 12:19, Burri Olivier wrote:
> Hello all,
> Just a note that if you run this code
> run("Blobs (25K)");
> setAutoThreshold("Default");
> run("Analyze Particles...", "exclude add");
> updateResults();
> You get a populated results table even though Display Results was not checked in the Analyze Particles Dialog.
> Anyone else notice this behavior?
> Best
> Oli
> --
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