Analyze Particles only the 1st slice

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Analyze Particles only the 1st slice


I'd like to ask how to code RANGE in Analyze Particles.
My code is below.
for (n=1; n<11; n++){
run("Analyze Particles...","size = 0-infinity, circularity = 0-1.0, AND ONLY ONE SLICE");

//save Results and cloce etc.

run("Next Slice [>]");
run("Select None");
I wanna analyze only 1 slice at each loop.
Thanks in advance.


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Re: Analyze Particles only the 1st slice

Aryeh Weiss
On 6/3/14, 10:12 AM, Tom Kon wrote:

> Hello,
> I'd like to ask how to code RANGE in Analyze Particles.
> My code is below.
> --
> for (n=1; n<11; n++){
> run("Analyze Particles...","size = 0-infinity, circularity = 0-1.0, AND ONLY
> //save Results and cloce etc.
> run("Next Slice [>]");
> run("Select None");
> }
> --
> I wanna analyze only 1 slice at each loop.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Tom

If you do not explicitly include the  "stack" argument in your argument
list, analyze particles will only operate on the active slice. So you
can setSlice(#) and then analyze on that slice.
You can use teh macro recorder to see the difference between the command
when you operate on the entire stack and when you choose not to operate
on the entire stack.


Aryeh Weiss
Faculty of Engineering
Bar Ilan University
Ramat Gan 52900 Israel

Ph:  972-3-5317638
FAX: 972-3-7384051

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Re: Analyze Particles only the 1st slice

Thanks alot, Aryeh.