Hi Everyone,
We would like to announce the release of our Microscopy Image Stitching Tool (MIST), as a plugin for ImageJ/Fiji.
You can find more details on our website:
https://isg.nist.gov/deepzoomweb/resources/csmet/pages/image_stitching/image_stitching.htmlMIST is an open source project hosted on Github:
https://github.com/NIST-ISG/MISTand is available from our Fiji Update site:
http://sites.imagej.net/NIST-ISG-MISTor as a zip download from our website.
To add our update site to your copy of Fiji:
0) Open Fiji
1) Select Help >> Update
2) Select "Manage update sites".
3) Select "MIST" checkbox.
4) Select "Close" and "Apply Changes"
The plugin is located in:
Plugins >> Stitching >> MIST
MIST is a stitching algorithm for small and large two dimensional image grid collections. We developed a novel method for optimizing the translations computed by the phase-correlation image alignment method. This new method estimates the microscope stage repeatability from the computed translations of a grid of image tiles. It then optimizes all translation computation using a hill climbing algorithm constrained to a square search area of 4*stage repeatability. This minimizes the maximum uncertainty related to the translation computation for any pair of images.
The plugin contains a scalable hybrid CPU-GPU implementation that processes image sets at near interactive rates. The implementation scales well with both image size and the number of CPU cores and GPU cards in a machine. To enable hybrid execution you must install the CUDA toolkit and have CUDA-enabled NVIDIA GPU card(s). See our Github wiki for more details.
~the NIST ISG team
[hidden email]
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