I would like to announce the launch of a Java image processing project
called IQM.
http://code.google.com/p/iqm/Iqm is an image processing application written in Java. It is mainly
constructed around the Java JAI library and furthermore it incorporates the
functionality of the popular ImageJ image processing software. Single
images, image sequences or an image stack can be processed in an
interchangeable manner. Image processing settings can be easily adapted to a
set of images by using an image manager. The final processing of a stack of
images can be done without any additional programming steps. The image
manager is a central part of Iqm’s architecture and allows a rapid
comparison between different image processing settings. Parallel processing
of image sequences is supported too. It is possible to load and process
large image stacks in a virtual mode without loading the images into memory.
I would like to thank the owners of some ImageJ plugins for their kind
permission to incorporate their plugins into Iqm and especially G. Landindi,
who encouraged me to post this announcement.
Best wishes,
Helmut Ahammer