Dear Colleagues and Friends,
We'd like to announce the forthcoming 2015 BioImage Informatics conference<> to be held in Gaithersburg, MD at the National Institute of Standards and Technology from October 14 - October 16, 2015. The conference venue is located 25 miles outside of Washington, DC and is within a metro ride of the free Smithsonian Museums<> and many other attractions in and around the US capital<>.
Call for papers:
The BioImage Informatics (BII) conference brings together researchers and practitioners in the field of image informatics for the life sciences. The BioImage Informatics conference covers a wide range of topics that would be classified under the following themes:
-Applications to cell therapy, digital pathology, and regenerative medicine
-Data mining and machine learning of image information
-Advanced visualization of bioimages and image derived information
-Storage and repositories of biological data sets
-Collaborative frameworks, pipelines, and environments
-Fundamental algorithms (e.g., calibration, segmentation, tracking, feature-based image analysis, data-driven and hypothesis-driven modeling)
-Advanced imaging approaches and instruments
-Reproducibility and large scale imaging experiments
-Other topics relevant to life science imaging and image informatics
The Submission Deadline is May 17, 2015 and Decision Notifications (Electronic) will be made July 13, 2015.
Call for communication:
Please forward our invitation to people working in this field. Help us to reach the right people to make this event a success.
More information about the conference can be found at the webpage here<>. (
Registration: $304 (with catering) / $165 (without catering) / $100 for full-time students (must bring a student ID)
Thanks in advance! We really appreciate your help in spreading the word.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Halter
And the conference committee
Peter Bajcsy, Manfred Auer, Andrew Cohen, Sebastian Munck, Carolina Wahlby
Contact: michael.halter at<mailto:
[hidden email]> or peter.bajcsy at
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8313
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8313
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