Hi Christian,
For floating text labels you can use the TrakEM2 plugin at
http://www.ini.uzh.ch/~acardona/trakem2.htmlHere's a mini-howto:
- download the TrakEM2_.jar and drop it in your ImageJ plugins folder
- Plugins / TrakEM2 / New Project (and cancel the template dialog, you
don't need one)
- drag and drop an image file (stacks are fine) from your file browser
into the display
- select the Text tool in ImageJ's toolbar and click on the display
somewhere whre you want a label. A text window opens: fill in the text
and close it. Only the first word or first 10 chars will be shown on screen.
Then with the Select tool (black arrow) you can select and drag the labels.
To adjust the text font, size and style please double-click the Text
tool before adding a label, and adjust it there. At the moment I don't
have an easy way to adjust the text properties after adding a label.
To adjust the color there is no such restriction, just make sure a label
is selected (will have a transparent background) and click anytime on
the color palette (which can be opened by double-click on the Dropper tool).
Finally, to fix the labels to the image, right-click and select Display
/ Make flat image.
Note though you don't need to force the labels onto the image. Instead,
just right-click the display and select Project / Save, which will
generate an XML file that you can open later with "Plugins / TrakEM2 /
Open Project" (and contains pointers to any image files as well, it's
the full project that gets saved, including any open displays at the
time of saving).