Thanks, Wayne.
Does a glossary of javascript commands exist for ImageJ? Or is it
based on generic javascript with calls to specific IJ java classes?
>On Apr 9, 2009, at 9:12 AM, Bill Mohler wrote:
>>Can I access an imp or other objects that are associated with a
>>stack window via a macro? I know I can call java methods, but can I
>>call them within specific instances of objects?
>You can in Javascript but not in the macro language.
William A. Mohler
Associate Professor
Dept. of Genetics and Developmental Biology
University of Connecticut Health Center
263 Farmington Ave.
Farmington, CT 06030-3301
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Mobile: (860) 985-2719
alt. mobile: (860) 331-8514
skype: wmohler
Office: (860) 679-1833, room E2029
Lab: (860) 679-1834, room E2032
Fax: (314) 689-1833
G&DB dept. ofc.: (860) 679-8350
G&DB dept. fax : (860) 679-8345