Automatic Pointer

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Automatic Pointer

Antoine Bizbiz-2
Dear all,

I have videos of a construction of sands towers, similar to this one:
Auto-assemblage d'une tour de sable
<>  , and I
would like to have the height's tower automatically. The videos are composed
of 3000 images and I have ten videos to work on, so a manual job is not
I have searched for preexistant macros but I couldn't find any that
My idea was to use the "Find edges" tool to draw the contours of the tower
(I have tried it, it's quite efficent), then select the point of maximum y
in the list of all the points, and finally to repeat operations to all
images in order to have a excel tabs of all the maxima with the number of
the frame. Nevertheless, I am a complete beginner and I can not write an
entire macro.
I will be very gratefull to anyone that could help me to work on my videos,
whatever the way .


Ps: Physics phenomenon underlying the construction of the tower are quite
interesting and if you are interested in, I can send you the link of the
scientific paper that deals with it.

This is a frame from one of my videos:

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Re: Automatic Pointer

Aryeh Weiss
Try using the particle analyzer as follows:

setAutoThreshold("Default dark");
run("Analyze Particles...", "size=100-Infinity display clear add in_situ");

I did it after removing the ruler. The height measurement in the results
table appears to be what you need.
You may need to first use Analyze>Set Measurements... to select the
results you need.

You can loop over your image stack -- see for example

Good luck

On 12/02/2018 23:53, Antoine Bizbiz wrote:

> Dear all,
> I have videos of a construction of sands towers, similar to this one:
> Auto-assemblage d'une tour de sable
> <>  , and I
> would like to have the height's tower automatically. The videos are composed
> of 3000 images and I have ten videos to work on, so a manual job is not
> conceivable.
> I have searched for preexistant macros but I couldn't find any that
> corresponds.
> My idea was to use the "Find edges" tool to draw the contours of the tower
> (I have tried it, it's quite efficent), then select the point of maximum y
> in the list of all the points, and finally to repeat operations to all
> images in order to have a excel tabs of all the maxima with the number of
> the frame. Nevertheless, I am a complete beginner and I can not write an
> entire macro.
> I will be very gratefull to anyone that could help me to work on my videos,
> whatever the way .
> Antoine
> Ps: Physics phenomenon underlying the construction of the tower are quite
> interesting and if you are interested in, I can send you the link of the
> scientific paper that deals with it.
> This is a frame from one of my videos:
> <>
> --
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Aryeh Weiss
Faculty of Engineering
Bar Ilan University
Ramat Gan 52900 Israel

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