Automatic object tracker

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Automatic object tracker

I am trying to track a single tadpole as it swims across a Petri dish using the Object Tracker plugin by Wayne Rasband.  I tried to follow the directions for a test stack from Ross Lang but there was no mention of how exactly to select which two objects I want to be tracked, except when removing the objects from the background image.  Is this the only selection I need and what should I do since I only need to track one object?  Also, there is some movement of a pipette in the video (but it never blocks the tadpole) that I am concerned may be affecting the programs ability to track the tadpole.  The pipette and ripples in the water become red after I adjust the threshold and the directions for the test stack say to make sure nothing is red except the objects to be tracked.  Is this a problem and is there a way around this?  I'd greatly appreciate any help or information on another program or plugin that may be better suited for this type of automatic tracking.  Thank you.
