Background color

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Background color

Waldir Leite Roque

I have done an overlay of two stacks and it went fine, but the overlay
stack has a yellow background and I would like to have it white, but I
could not find out how to change it. I did try Color Pick, but it seems not
operating because does nothing in my case. Any help would be wellcome.
Thank you.


Waldir Leite Roque
Professor Titular, PhD
LaMEP - Laboratório de Modelagem em Engenharia de Petróleo
Centro de Informática
Universidade Federal da Paraíba
58051-900 João Pessoa, PB - Brasil
Email: [hidden email]

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Re: Background color

Rainer M. Engel
Hey Waldir,

maybe it becomes clearer, if you could provide some images of that.
Two source images/stacks and the result of that, after what you did.

This would help much, in understanding your case.


Am 19.02.2020 um 15:11 schrieb Waldir Leite Roque:

> Colleagues,
> I have done an overlay of two stacks and it went fine, but the overlay
> stack has a yellow background and I would like to have it white, but I
> could not find out how to change it. I did try Color Pick, but it seems not
> operating because does nothing in my case. Any help would be wellcome.
> Thank you.
> Waldir

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