Hi George,
for RGB images, the BackgroundSubtracter has two ways to call it:
- rollingBallBrightnessBackground decomposes the image into hue,
saturation and brightness, and subtracts the background from the
brightness channel only
- rollingBallBackground(ImageProcessor ip, double radius, boolean
createBackground, boolean lightBackground, boolean useParaboloid, boolean
doPresmooth, boolean correctCorners)
subtracts the background from each color separately. It does what you get
with "separate colors".
On Thu, August 21, 2014 10:48, George H wrote:
> Hi,
> I notice there is a parameter missing in the BackgroundSubtracter java
> class when I compare it to the recorded macro in Fiji.
> The Java macro is IJ.run(imp, "Subtract Background...", "rolling=50 light
> separate sliding");
> The option "separate" is what I need.
> In the BackgroundSubtracter.rollingBallBackground() there is no parameter
> for "separate".
> Can someone explain how this is?
> Thanks.
> --
> George
[hidden email]
> --
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