Hi everyone,
As many of you know, the OME Bio-Formats project has its own update site
[1] which provides the most "bleeding edge" version of Bio-Formats
including latest bug-fixes etc.
For quite some time, that update site has tracked the 5.0.x stable
development line of OME. However, work on that branch has largely ceased,
with an increasing number of bug-fixes only available in the active 5.1.x
development line.
As such, I have updated the Bio-Formats update site to start tracking 5.1.x
development. What this means for you is:
- Enabling the Bio-Formats update site will once again give you the most
recent development version of Bio-Formats. This is useful for testing
bug-fixes in between OME releases.
- As before, these builds are _unstable_ and should be considered beta
status. In particular, the 5.1.x line is still finalizing the associated
OME-XML schema. It is _not recommended_ to export any data to OME-TIFF
format while the Bio-Formats update site is enabled, since those files
might not be readable later.
Enjoy, and please let me know if you have any issues with it!
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