BioVoxxel Toolbox update

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BioVoxxel Toolbox update

Hi all,

To inform those, who are using (or now got interested to use) the
"BioVoxxel Toolbox", I made some changes and moved some files. So,
potentially remove those files from your ImageJ version (especially when
still present in the >Plugins >Filters menu and get the new distribution
(e.g. from

The easiest is to update your Fiji/IJ2 distribution from the BioVoxxel
update site.

The following functions made it already into plugins which now also enable
macro recording.

1.) Adaptive Filter
2.) Pseudo Flat Field Correction
3.) Enhance True Color Contrast (NEW)
4.) Gaussian Weighted Median Filter
5.) Speckle Inspector (analysis of individual objects in binary images)
6.) Watershed Irregular Features (limited to white objects on black
background. In the case of an inverted image, invert the image first and
then apply the watershed function. Here it is also important to have the
"Black Background" option active under >Process >Binary >Options...
Inverted LUTs are recognized and handeled correctly

The Menu Toolset "Biovoxxel_Toolbox" under the more tools menu (last icon)
enables you to directly start those plugins from this menu. You can also
find them in the >Plugins >BioVoxxel folder if necessary.

The "Adaptive Filter" still creates problems when recorded and applied to
images. I will try to solve this in near future).

In addition, there are two more toolsets available in this distribution.

1.) Nearest_Neighbour_Indicator

2.) Montage Tools

The Montage Tools is based on the code from Jerome Mutterer's Magic Montage
and I extended the labeling function for montages. Double clicking the
"ABCD" icon shows you all the possibilities you will have for labeling
montages in this version.

In the case you detect a bug or a strange outcome, please inform me to take
care of this.

Hope this helps some of you.


CEO: Dr. rer. nat. Jan Brocher
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