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Dear all,
I'm trying to match two images of brain arterial with Stephan Saalfeld's block matching plugin in a Java/Eclipse project.
As I want to not display the windows, I call a IJM macro in batch mode in my Java project with runMacroFile method.
When I execute the project, I have this output error :
Plugin or class not found: "ij.plugin.BlockMatching_ExtractPoinRoi"
(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ij.plugin.BlockMatching_ExtractPoinRoi)
I passed the argument -Dplugins.dir="myJarDirectory" to the project and I referenced :
and of course ij-1.49v.jar
in the project build path.
In the macro I run :
run("Extract Block Matching Correspondences", "source_image=Arterial_1 target_image=Brain_1 layer_scale=1 search_radius=50 block_radius=50 resolution=24 minimal_pmcc_r=0.10 maximal_curvature_ratio=1000 maximal_second_best_r/best_r=1 use_local_smoothness_filter approximate_local_transformation=Affine local_region_sigma=65 maximal_local_displacement=12 maximal_local_displacement=3 export");
(I also tried without the maximal_local_displacement argument duplication which causes an error in Fiji but I had the same output error)
However the "BlockMatching_ExtractPoinRoi" class is in blockmatching jar in the package mpicbg.ij.plugin, so I don't understand why the project can't find it.
I don't think the error comes from my images because it works in Fiji, and when I run "Extract SIFT Correspondences" in place of block matching, it works well; so I think it comes from my project configuration.
It's certainly a stupid question but I don't see where the problem comes from.
If anyone can help, thank you.
Eva Fiorinelli