Brightness and contrast question

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Brightness and contrast question

Jeff Spector-2
 I've got a simple questions about the Brightness and Contrast adjustor. I
am trying to put tow images on the same scale. One of them is much brighter
one and  adjust the B&C until it looks nice.  I then hit "set" and
propagate to all other open images.  (with unsigned 16-bit range set to
automatic) . Noe the less intense image is all black. That is what I would
expect.  My question involves the line on the B&C window. On the bright
image  it has a very steep slope ( and brightness and contrast are near
their maximum) and on the darker image the slope is very small  (and
brightness and contrast are near their minimum) even though the min and max
values are the same. Is this just a consequence of the images having very
different brightnesses?  I thought the line in the B&C window was the
mapping from 0-255  so shouldn't it be the same for both images when I hit
"set"  ( and just that the less intense image has more pixels around the 0
 range?)  I believe the images are on the same scale (they have the same
min and max) but then why does that line have a different slope?

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