Bug? Problem with imageJ reslice rotate 90degrees command...

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Bug? Problem with imageJ reslice rotate 90degrees command...

Mike A
Hi folks.

I generated a reslice of an XYZ image (image 1 in attached file) from a line selection (output spacing equal to voxel depth, slice count 7 to encompass my region of interest, avoid interpolation checked, all other boxes unchecked) to generate image 2 (see attached jpeg file).  Note the yellow arrow pointing to a region of higher fluorescence intensity in my microscopy image.

I performed the same reslice on the same image from the same line selection with the same settings, EXCEPT I ALSO CHECKED ROTATE 90 DEGREES.  The output from this is shown in image3.  Note the yellow arrow again pointing to a region of higher fluorescence intensity in my image.  Importantly.... I always thought that “rotate 90degrees” option in the reslice settings rotated the output by 90 degrees counterclockwise.  HOWEVER, from image 3 you can see that rotate 90 degrees is actually rotating the image 90 degrees CCW, then flipping the image vertically (or rotating 90degrees CW and flipping horizontally).

Is this a bug?

Thanks !!


ImageJ_reslice_rotate_mailing_list.jpg (66K) Download Attachment