Bug in ROI Manager, measuring renamed ROIs ignores their stack location

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Bug in ROI Manager, measuring renamed ROIs ignores their stack location

Menelaos Symeonides

Just ran into what seems to be a bug in ROI Manager. If a number of ROIs
are added to the manager, with each ROI belonging to a different stack,
normally you can just select them all at the end, measure them, and get
accurate measurements with each ROI's Z location correctly utilized for
the measurement. However, if those ROIs have been renamed in ROI
Manager, that no longer works, and each ROI is measured in whatever Z
position your viewer is currently at.

How to reproduce:

1. Go to Analyze > Set Measurements... and check the "Stack position" box

2. File > Open Samples > Confocal Series (2.2MB)

3. Move to Z position 3, draw a freehand ROI anywhere, then add to ROI
Manager (Ctrl+T)

4. Move to Z position 12, draw a new freehand ROI anywhere, add to ROI
manager again.

5. Move to Z position 21, draw a new freehand ROI anywhere, add to ROI
manager again.

6. In ROI manager, select all three ROIs and click Measure (or Ctrl+M)

7. In the Results window, look at the Z position ("Slice") of each of
the three measurements; it should be 3, 12, and 21

8. Back in ROI Manager, now select each ROI and click Rename, and rename
them to anything (e.g. "one" "two" and "three")

9. Select the three renamed ROIs and click Measure

10. In the Results window you should now see that all three ROIs have
the same Slice (which will correspond to whatever your viewer window is
on) and that their actual measured values have now changed compared to
the first set of measurements, except for one ROI for which the Z
position is correct

11. If you now select each ROI in the Manager individually and measure
it, because selecting the ROI moves the viewer to the ROI's Z position,
the measurement will now again be correct, so the issue is only when you
multi-select and measure renamed ROIs


Menelaos Symeonides
Post-Doctoral Associate, Thali Lab
Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
University of Vermont
318 Stafford Hall
95 Carrigan Dr
Burlington, VT 05405
[hidden email]
Phone: 802-656-1161

ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html
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Re: Bug in ROI Manager, measuring renamed ROIs ignores their stack location

Wayne Rasband-2
> On Aug 3, 2018, at 9:39 PM, Menelaos Symeonides <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Just ran into what seems to be a bug in ROI Manager. If a number of ROIs are added to the manager, with each ROI belonging to a different stack, normally you can just select them all at the end, measure them, and get accurate measurements with each ROI's Z location correctly utilized for the measurement. However, if those ROIs have been renamed in ROI Manager, that no longer works, and each ROI is measured in whatever Z position your viewer is currently at.

This bug is fixed in the latest ImageJ daily build (1.52f11).


> How to reproduce:
> 1. Go to Analyze > Set Measurements... and check the "Stack position" box
> 2. File > Open Samples > Confocal Series (2.2MB)
> 3. Move to Z position 3, draw a freehand ROI anywhere, then add to ROI Manager (Ctrl+T)
> 4. Move to Z position 12, draw a new freehand ROI anywhere, add to ROI manager again.
> 5. Move to Z position 21, draw a new freehand ROI anywhere, add to ROI manager again.
> 6. In ROI manager, select all three ROIs and click Measure (or Ctrl+M)
> 7. In the Results window, look at the Z position ("Slice") of each of the three measurements; it should be 3, 12, and 21
> 8. Back in ROI Manager, now select each ROI and click Rename, and rename them to anything (e.g. "one" "two" and "three")
> 9. Select the three renamed ROIs and click Measure
> 10. In the Results window you should now see that all three ROIs have the same Slice (which will correspond to whatever your viewer window is on) and that their actual measured values have now changed compared to the first set of measurements, except for one ROI for which the Z position is correct
> 11. If you now select each ROI in the Manager individually and measure it, because selecting the ROI moves the viewer to the ROI's Z position, the measurement will now again be correct, so the issue is only when you multi-select and measure renamed ROIs
> Mel

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