I've been trying to add a dynamic profile to our plugin working off of
the Dynamic_Profile plugin as an example. So I'm calling something like:
if ( (roi.getType() == roi.LINE) || (roi.getType() ==
roi.POLYLINE) || (roi.getType() == roi.FREELINE)) {
profileP = new ij.gui.ProfilePlot(this);
ui.updateLineProfile(profileP.getProfile(), roi.getName());
inside a mouse dragged event method. The thing is that if the user is
drawing a regular line and the width is set to something >1 you just
can't draw a line, you see the first handle on the image but no line
being drawn. But it works for poly lines and freehand lines with width
>1. The same thing happens in Dynamic_Profile.java. The same thing
happens if you don't create a ProfilePlot object and just call
ij.gui.Line.getPixels(). I think the problem is in the Straigthener
class which gets used in either case, but I don't know why.
Is there a better way to get the same data? Or ideas on how to debug?
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