Hi John,
no such bug with plain ('vanilla') ImageJ.
Both 1.48a and the daily build 1.48b8 process the test?_duplicate.gif images, not the original ones.
Using Mac OS 10.6.8, Java 1.6.0_51
Maybe a Fiji-specific problem?
Or a race condition? Then it might be different between different computers and operating systems. You could try whether the problem persists if you add 'wait(100);' statements after switching on BatchMode and after run("Duplicate..."
On Aug 5, 2013, at 13:55, LIM Soon Yew John (IMB) wrote:
> Dear All,
> I encounter a bug with ImageJ macro setBatchMode(true) after I ran an update today on my 32bit Fiji to 1.48a.
> This bug caused the wrong images to be process when running in batch mode. You can see this bug when you run the example macro below:
> run("Blobs (25K)");
> rename("test1")
> setBatchMode(true); //Bug here
> run("Duplicate...", "title=test1_duplicate.gif");
> run("Find Edges"); //Bug caused the "Find Edge" to run on "test1" instead of "test1_duplicate.gif"
> setBatchMode("exit and display");
> setBatchMode(false); //Turn off batch mode
> run("Blobs (25K)");
> rename("test2")
> run("Duplicate...", "title=test2_duplicate.gif");
> run("Find Edges"); //no bug, "Find Edge" ran on "test2_duplicate.gif" correctly
> Best Regards,
> John
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