Call an ImageJ macro from Netbeans

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Call an ImageJ macro from Netbeans

Hello everybody

I wrote a macro.txt on the ImageJ environment. It works very well when I call it with Plugins>Macro>Run.

Now, I'm writting a JAVA program on Netbeans 7.1.1. In this program, I really need to call macro.txt. That's why I'm using the IJ library with the following part of code :

String retval = "";
retval = IJ.runMacroFile(script);

When I do a print of "script", I get exactly the path+the name of the script.

But here is my problem, it compiles without any problem but when I execute my program, I get this error :

This plugin or macro requires ImageJ 1.41 or later.

I really don't understand because I have the 1.47v version of ImageJ installed on my computer. So, it should work ? To give you more information, I use the 1.6.0_20 (64-bit) version JAVA and Netbeans 7.1.1.
(also, I'm working on Windows 7). When I change the name of the macro, with a wrong one, I get this error : Macro file not found
I guess it means it's making a link with ImageJ ? Could you give me a clue to understand what happens ?

I have also tested with the "runMacro" function, and in this case, I get this error :

Undefined variable in line 1.
<C> : \ Users \ xxx \ Documents \ ImageJ \ plugins \ xxxscript . txt

But I don't understand because the macro exists at this place

Can you help me please ?

Thank you very much for all your advices !


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Re: Call an ImageJ macro from Netbeans

Jerome Mutterer-3
Dear Nath.

You should probably import a newer version of ij.jar in your netbeans


On 27 August 2014 15:31, nath02 <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello everybody
> I wrote a macro.txt on the ImageJ environment. It works very well when I
> call it with Plugins>Macro>Run.
> Now, I'm writting a JAVA program on Netbeans 7.1.1. In this program, I
> really need to call macro.txt. That's why I'm using the IJ library with the
> following part of code :
> String retval = "";
> retval = IJ.runMacroFile(script);
> When I do a print of "script", I get exactly the path+the name of the
> script.
> But here is my problem, it compiles without any problem but when I execute
> my program, I get this error :
> This plugin or macro requires ImageJ 1.41 or later.
> I really don't understand because I have the 1.47v version of ImageJ
> installed on my computer. So, it should work ? To give you more
> information,
> I use the 1.6.0_20 (64-bit) version JAVA and Netbeans 7.1.1.
> (also, I'm working on Windows 7). When I change the name of the macro, with
> a wrong one, I get this error : Macro file not found
> I guess it means it's making a link with ImageJ ? Could you give me a clue
> to understand what happens ?
> I have also tested with the "runMacro" function, and in this case, I get
> this error :
> Undefined variable in line 1.
> <C> : \ Users \ xxx \ Documents \ ImageJ \ plugins \ xxxscript . txt
> But I don't understand because the macro exists at this place
> Can you help me please ?
> Thank you very much for all your advices !
> Nath
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Jerome Mutterer
CNRS - Institut de biologie moléculaire des plantes
 12, rue du Général Zimmer
67084 Strasbourg Cedex
T 0367155339

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Re: Call an ImageJ macro from Netbeans

Dear Jerome

Thank you for your rapid answer !

You were right. With and upgraded version of ij.jar, it works perfectly !

Thank you very much !!!
