Dear ImageJ friends,
The 2020 virtual workshop "From Images to Knowledge with ImageJ and
Friends (I2K)", to be held from November 30 to December 2, will focus
on in-depth interactive tutorials covering state-of-the-art open source
solutions for biological image reconstruction and analysis, as well as
social interaction between developers, researchers, and students.
We are super-excited to open our call for tutorials!
Have you created an exciting open-source software tool that solves
difficult image analysis problems? Do you develop an open-source
library that enables new kinds of visualization or large scale data
processing? Are you the creator or expert user of a new machine
learning method that can be useful to solve difficult analysis
problems? Do you host a database to share large annotated datasets with
the scientific community? Anything else that we haven’t thought about?
Please apply to host an in-depth tutorial about your work at the
virtual I2K 2020 workshop!
Are you burning to become a student? Mark the dates and come back on
November 1 when the program will be set! Registration is free! We will
match tutors and students optimizing preference, time, and a bunch of
other parameters. This will be fun!
More information on the website:’s make the best use of this virtual format! We are looking forward to hearing from you!
The I2K 2020 organizers
Stephan Preibisch, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Stephan Saalfeld, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Anna Kreshuk, European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Pavel Tomancak, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Virginie Uhlmann, European Molecular Biology Laboratory
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