Calling a PlugInFilter from another PlugInFilter

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Calling a PlugInFilter from another PlugInFilter

Hello, hopefully quick question. I have a PlugInFilter that analyzes
an image, creates a new image, and then I would like to run a second
PlugInFilter on this new image. Each PlugInFilter is a class, so I
thought the way to do this would be to create a new object of that
class, such as:
PlugInFilter2 somename = new PlugInFilter2("none",plugin1output);

where PlugInFilter2 is the name of the second plugin, and
plugin1output is an ImagePlus object. However, when I run this I get
the error "Wrong number of arguments in constructor." I'm not sure
what's wrong, as the constructor for my second plugin is simply
"public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus imp) {}" so the String and the
ImagePlus seem like they are the appropriate inputs. What am I doing
Michael Chelen