On Fri, 7 Sep 2007 09:10:08 -0700, Jim Cant <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>I am having trouble saving a DICOM files using the 'FileExporter'
>plugin in the package de.iftm.ij.plugins.dcmie;
>The error message in a popup message box is
>"image == null Can't create output file".
>I can export an ImagePlus produced by opening a conventional DICOM
>What I can't export is a ImagePlus that I have created with my own
>data using the bit of code below. This images display happily in my
>application. (I'm not using the ImageJ gui).
Have you tried specifying a full path name when saving the new image. Images
opened from disk keep a reference to the original directory from which they
came. It may be that the plugin is trying to save your image to a location
where you don't have write access, eg / on a *nix system.