Celestron 44302 connectivity?

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Celestron 44302 connectivity?

Steve Nanchy
Has anyone had any success using a Celestron 44302 USB 'digital microscope' (http://www.celestron.com/c3/product.php?ProdID=557) at full resolution (1280x1024) with the Quicktime Capture plugin (http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/plugins/qt-capture.html)?

Other apps (currently running OSX 10.6.5, IJ 1.45a) will open the device at full-res but the plugin (via File/Import/Video) scales & crops it down to 640x480.


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Re: Celestron 44302 connectivity?

Rasband, Wayne (NIH/NIMH) [E]
On Feb 14, 2011, at 12:32 PM, Nanchy III, Stephen wrote:

> Has anyone had any success using a Celestron 44302 USB 'digital microscope' (http://www.celestron.com/c3/product.php?ProdID=557) at full resolution (1280x1024) with the Quicktime Capture plugin (http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/plugins/qt-capture.html)?
> Other apps (currently running OSX 10.6.5, IJ 1.45a) will open the device at full-res but the plugin (via File/Import/Video) scales & crops it down to 640x480.

This bug is fixed in the latest version of the of the QuickTime Capture plugin (File>Import>Video) at

