On Aug 29, 2008, at 8:41 AM, Christophe Leterrier wrote:
> Dear Listers,
> I've downloaded the new version of the Cell Counter plugin by Kurt De
> Vos (
http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/plugins/cell-counter.html) and it is great ! I
> would only a minor request to the author that could speed up counting:
> would
> it be possible to implement keyboard shortcuts such as "1","2"..."9" to
> select the different category counters, so the user doesn't have to
> repeatedly mouse out of the image each time he wants to switch to a new
> category ?
There is an updated version of the Cell Counter plugin at
http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/plugins/cell-counter.htmlthat supports keyboard shortcuts via a new setType() method that macros
can call. Add the following macros to ImageJ/macros/StartupMacros.txt,
restart ImageJ, and you will be able to change the counter type by
pressing "1", "2", "3", etc.
macro "Type 1 [1]" {call("CellCounter.setType", "1");}
macro "Type 2 [2]" {call("CellCounter.setType", "2");}
macro "Type 3 [3]" {call("CellCounter.setType", "3");}
macro "Type 4 [4]" {call("CellCounter.setType", "4");}
macro "Type 5 [5]" {call("CellCounter.setType", "5");}
macro "Type 6 [6]" {call("CellCounter.setType", "6");}
macro "Type 7 [7]" {call("CellCounter.setType", "7");}
macro "Type 8 [8]" {call("CellCounter.setType", "8");}
> Thanks for this great tool,
> Christophe
> Christophe Leterrier
> Postdoc
> INSERM UMR641 Neurobiology of ionic channels (Michael Seagar)
> Ionic channels and neuronal polarity team (Bénédicte Dargent)
> IFR Jean Roche - Mediterranee University
> 51, bd Pierre Dramard 13916 Marseille cedex 20 France
> tel: (33) 4 91 69 89 30
> fax: (33) 4 91 09 05 06
> email:
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